Policy Details

The Hong Kong Voluntary Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme for Computers
Computers under this labelling scheme include desktops, towers or mini-towers, or portable units. These include high-end desktop computers, personal computers, workstations, network computer desktops, X terminal controllers, computer-based point-of-sale retail terminals and tablet PCs. To qualify, the unit must be capable of being powered from a wall outlet, but this does not preclude units that are capable of being powered from a wall outlet and also from a battery. This definition is intended primarily to cover computers sold for use in businesses or homes.

To qualify, the unit must be capable of being powered from a wall outlet, but this does not preclude units that are capable of being powered from a wall outlet and also from a battery. This definition is intended primarily to cover computers sold for use in businesses or homes. This definition of a computer does not include computers sold or otherwise marketed as File Server or Server. A tablet PC capable of being powered and/or charged from a wall outlet and marketed as being a PC or personal computer is eligible under the definition of portable unit. Products marketed as personal handheld devices or PDAs is not included in the scope of this EELS. A PDA unit does not function as a desktop or laptop computer because of its size and target-function, nor does it consume similar amounts of energy to operate.

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Asia and Pacific
Hong Kong SAR of China
Endorsement Label
Entered into force , Adopted & Revised
Updated by CLASP

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