Policy Details

MEPS for Set Top Boxes
This policy contains minimum energy performance standards for set-top boxes (excluding the digital converter) receiving one or more of cable, satellite, and IP TV broadcastings and sending the image and audio to a television or display unit, with the rated power consumption of less than 150W.

The maximum power consumption standard applicable to the set-top box is as follows:

- Power consumption of each of the IP TV broadcasting and satellite set-top boxes in active standby mode should not exceed 5W.

- Power consumption of the cable set-top boxes in active standby mode should not exceed 6W.

- Power consumption of each IP TV broadcasting, satellite, and cable set-top boxes in passive standby mode should not exceed 1W.

Active standby mode is switched by a remote controller or front power button with the set-top box connected to the power source, which can be switched to the other modes by the remote controller or internal/external signal, and only the background functions can be activated.

Passive standby mode is switched by a remote controller. Under the mode, the set-top box is connected to the power source, and the primary and background functions cannot be activated. The mode can be switched to the other ones by the remote controller input or internal signal.


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Asia and Pacific
Republic of Korea
Minimum Performance Standard
Entered into force & Revised
Updated by CLASP
Korea Energy Agency

Fuel Types


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Products Covered

Set Top Boxes (STB)