Policy Details

Ministerial Regulation Prescribing High Efficiency Single Capped Fluorescent Lamp, B.E. 2558 (2015)
The ministerial regulation covers single-capped fluorescent lamps intended for use in an external circuit and applies to one-phase alternating current rated voltage 220 volts, frequency 50 hertz.

The ministerial regulation covers single-capped fluorescent lamps intended for use in an external circuit and applies to one-phase alternating current rated voltage 220 volts, frequency 50 hertz.

The following single-capped fluorescent lamps are not included:

  1. Lamps that provide a spectrum other than the visible;
  2. Color viewing lamps;
  3. Lamps used in industrial or agricultural;
  4. Medical lamps; and
  5. Lamps for specific use (not intended use as general)
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Asia and Pacific
Minimum Performance Standard
Entered into force & Adopted
Updated by CLASP

Fuel Types


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