India and Ghana have recently made significant strides to improve appliance energy efficiency, introducing over 20 new mandatory standards and labeling policies intended to help mitigate climate change, reduce energy demand, and prevent help protect against dumping. To reflect this expanding regulatory landscape, the CPRC has updated our database to include them.

Ghana Adopts 19 New Minimum Energy Performance Standards

In 2022, the Ghana Energy Commission adopted 19 new regulations for: rice cookers, television sets, electric kettles, solar panels, computers, set-top boxes, ventilating fans, storage water heaters, industrial fans, renew­able energy batteries, public lighting, improved biomass cookstoves, electric motors, air conditioners, ­distribution transformers, clothes washing machines, refrigerators­, and comfort fans invertors.

These new policies will take effect in November 2023 and further Ghana’s climate efforts, establishing them as a leader in appliance energy efficiency in the region and help to protect them against the dumping of inefficient appliances and equipment.

India Adopts Three New Mandatory Labels

The India Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) announced new mandatory labeling requirements for three high-energy consuming appliances: deep freezers, light commercial ACs, and Ultra High-Definition televisions. The policies will take effect starting July 2023 and are expected to prevent 22 million tons of CO₂ emissions by 2030. The policies for cooling appliances support the implementation of India’s Cooling Action Plan (ICAP), which outlines India’s plan for low-carbon, sustainable growth, and net-zero emissions by 2070. India’s Star Labeling Program now covers 34 appliances — 14 mandatory, 20 voluntary.

View the full CPRC here. To submit a policy to the database, please use this form.