Launching the CLASP Policy Resource Center
A Hub for Appliance Policy Information
We are pleased to launch the CLASP Policy Resource Center (CPRC), a global hub for information on energy efficiency, water efficiency, and quality policies for appliances and equipment. The most comprehensive global policy platform of its kind, the CPRC is designed as a single point of access for appliance policy data across more than 130 economies.
A clear picture of global efficiency policies facilitates a wide range of decision-making and analysis by policymakers, researchers, members of the appliance industry, and other practitioners. Policymakers can explore efficiency policies from countries around the globe to make internationally informed decisions and influence their own processes.
“This tool can drive more ambitious climate action by facilitating reliable access to streamlined appliance policy information,” said CLASP’s Chief of Climate Programs Eric Gibbs. “An evolution of CLASP’s S&L Database, we’re pleased to continue serving the global appliance efficiency community to make faster, better-informed decisions at a pivotal time for people and the planet.”
Enhanced Features & Information
Among the new features in the CPRC is a revised product taxonomy to support more targeted searches and the inclusion of water efficiency policies. Water heating impacts energy consumption in particular, and we’re excited to highlight the nexus and potential between unique climate interventions. The CPRC also hosts expanded coverage of quality policies for off-grid solar appliances and equipment, the implementation of which ensures that more vulnerable consumers get what they pay for when they invest in an appliance or productive use equipment.
Visitors to the CPRC can search over 1,400 policies by specific product; geography; status, such as those entered into force or under development; and instrument, such as labels or performance and quality standards. Visitors can develop aggregated lists of policies, or examine an individual policy in more detail with information such as:
- Policy instrument
- Scope
- Responsible agency
- Adoption and revision dates
- Fuel types
- Test methods
CLASP’s team will periodically update the CPRC to reflect new and updated on- and off-grid policies. Visitors can also submit information about recent policy adoptions or revisions directly to the CPRC team and subscribe to notifications on news and policy updates from the hub.
Policy Search in Use
Using the features in the CPRC, visitors can examine the policy landscape for products globally or in regions of interest. For example, we chose to analyze all current energy efficiency policies entered into force globally by downloading the data as an excel spreadsheet and creating a graph to visualize the adoption of policies across time. In the graph below, the blue line shows the total number of countries with adopted energy efficiency policies, and the gray line represents the total number of policies globally. Using the data extracted from the CPRC, we can see the number of adopted policies began to increase more rapidly in 2000, with a second increase starting around 2008.
To explore a specific air conditioner labeling policy in Brazil, we visited its Policy Detail page. Through the information provided, we learned that this policy is mandatory for air conditioners in Brazil, covering labeling requirements for the product. We are able to view the product label through the Show Label link and read through key dates in the policy’s history, such as its adoption, revision, and most recent update in the CPRC. The page also includes the policy name in its original language – Portaria no 234 de 29 de Junho de 2020 – and links to the policy source, which can help with further research.
An Evolution of a Long-Standing Resource
The CPRC expands and improves upon CLASP’s Standards and Labeling (S&L) Database, which served the energy efficiency community for over twenty years. During that time, the S&L Database gradually expanded its coverage, eventually growing to include policies for more than 93 economies. It was a valuable resource for policymakers and other efficiency practitioners and continues to be referenced in a wide range of analyses and reports.
In 2019, CLASP conducted a thorough review of the S&L Database and solicited feedback from users of the tool. CLASP recognized that through an expansion of policy information and database functionality, the tool could become an indispensable, standalone platform to a wider range of policy stakeholders.
The CPRC will continue to evolve with the addition of new features and resources, including new visualization tools that will provide the ability to map and analyze efficiency and quality policies in different countries.
Learn more about the CPRC or start exploring the platform. We encourage users to submit their feedback and subscribe to policy updates & CPRC news.