Policy Details

NOM-003-ENER-2021, Thermal efficiency of water heaters for domestic and commercial use. Boundaries, testing and labeling methods
This standard establishes the minimum levels of thermal efficiency that water heaters for domestic
and commercial use must meet, the test methods used to verify said compliance, and the requirements that must be included in the user information label, as well as the procedure for evaluating the conformity of these products.

This standard applies to water heaters for domestic and commercial use that use liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas as fuel, and provide only hot water in the liquid phase. Water heaters with a thermal load greater than 108.0 kW, absolute working pressures greater than 600 kPa or water temperatures greater than 87.0 °C (360.15 K) are excluded from the scope of application.  This policy applies to products that are imported, manufactured, or marketed within the United Mexican States.
Comparative Label
High Energy Performance Standard
Show Label
Entered into force & Adopted
Updated by CLASP

Fuel Types


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