Policy Details

Implementing Guidelines of The Philippine Energy Labeling Program for Display Monitors 2024, 1st Edition
This policy contains minimum energy performance standards and mandatory energy labeling for display monitors according to section 5 and 9 of Department Circular No. 2020-06-0015. Products in scope include display monitors operating in AC or combination of AC and DC sources connected by digital inputs, such as but not limited to DP, HDMI, DVI, USB, wireless and network connection, or by analog VGA input. Display Monitors that are powered solely from battery sources and specialized monitors are not covered.

The measured standby power shall be rounded off to the nearest 0.1 W and shall not be more than 2.0 Watts.

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Asia and Pacific
Comparative Label
Minimum Performance Standard
Show Label
Entered into force & Adopted
Updated by CLASP
Department of Energy
PNS IEC 62087-1
IEC 62087-2
PNS IEC 62087-7
PNS 378
PNS IEC 62301

Fuel Types


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Products Covered
